Naantali harbour
From Naantali harbour in Finland, our ships operate to Kapellskär in Sweden and Långnäs in the Åland Islands.
Naantali harbour address
Satamatie 9
21100 Naantali
Check-in opens 2 hours before departure and closes 1 hour before departure (check-in waits for passengers arriving by Föli bus for the morning departure of Finnsirius).
Check-in for passengers travelling with a vehicle (car, motorbike, or bicycle) takes place at the check-in booths (see driving instructions below). Passengers travelling without a vehicle are checked in at the Naantali Terminal (see attached map). Passengers travelling without a vehicle are transferred to the ship by a shuttle bus.
Check-in phone number +358 50 565 2578
Read more about the check-in.
Arriving to Naantali harbour
When you arrive in Naantali, drive up the ramp from Masku/Lietsala/Port of Naantali junction and turn left onto the road Patenttikatu. The name of the road changes to Viestitie before the harbor. When you arrive at the port area, follow the white check-in signs. After the train track, drive straight towards the ship on the shore without turning until you reach the lift boom and see the white check-in sign.
In connection with the Naantali harbour area, there is a paid parking area managed by Aimo Park. Check the parking prices and payment methods on the Aimo Park website.
The parking area has 60 parking spaces, three of which are disabled parking spaces. The maximum parking period is 8 days.
You can also easily travel to the harbour of Naantali by public transport. Check-in waits for passengers arriving by Föli bus for the morning departure of Finnsirius
If you are travelling from Turku, first take Föli bus number 6 or 7 from Turku Market Square to Naantali city centre. Föli bus line N14 operates between Naantali city centre and Naantali harbour.
Please check the current bus timetable, routes and fares from the Föli website.

Good to know
Information about travelling with Finnlines to help you plan your trip.

Harbours and driving instructions
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