Human resources
Finnlines is an international company with around 1,800 employees in seven countries. Providing reliable services for freight customers and passengers is made possible by our devoted, skilled, and wellbeing-focused employees, who play a vital role in performance and long-term success.

While the global uncertainty continued in 2024, we can note that we have lived through the greatest changes at work for decades. The pandemic as a crisis, consequent hybrid work, tense geopolitical situation, slowdown in the economy in Finland and elsewhere in Europe, high interest rates and more stringent environmental regulations have challenged companies and employees. Amidst uncertainty and changes at work, we have been determined to improve resilience by adjusting our organisation and production, developing work and promoting wellbeing.
During the year we welcomed M/S Finncanopus, the second new ro-pax vessel in the Superstar-class, transferred vessels under the Finnish and Swedish flag, launched a new ro-pax line between Sweden and Poland and sold four ro-ro vessels. We carried out all these changes without making personnel redundancies. We also completed a successful campaign to recruit crew for the new Superstar vessels. The campaign attracted around 2,500 applications and some 200 were employed among internal and external applicants. The shore organisation was also strengthened to support the new passenger service concept between Finland and Sweden and to serve freight customers and passengers on the line between Sweden and Poland. We are excited to have new, skilled
employees. At the same time our seasoned personnel deserves warm thanks for commitment and patience in the midst of all changes.
Year 2024 was mainly characterised by the first summer season on the Naantali–Långnäs–Kapellskär route and the launch of the line between Świnoujście and Malmö. The introduction of both customer concepts exceeded our expectations and customers have praised our crew. We are proud of the response and thank all involved!
Employee wellbeing
Also in 2024, we focused on wellbeing, safety and working capacity of all employee groups. Based on the personnel surveys in 2022, we continued to develop work on the team and company level. A new survey will be addressed to shore personnel at the beginning of 2025 and to sea-going personnel in early summer of 2025 to learn where we have advanced and what to improve further.
The hybrid work model has been well-established among the shore personnel and it balances transitions between work and leisure. Office work continues to be an important part of the hybrid model as it ensures togetherness.
We continued to get prepared for the oncoming CSRD reporting in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability
Reporting Directive. HR reporting as part of the BI-reporting tool continued and will proceed during 2025. We also assessed our processes and will continue with that. The entry into force of new reporting standards provides a good opportunity to examine overall processes and update them where needed.
Skilled and professional personnel
Finnlines supports learning and encourages all employees to take responsibility for personal growth and development. The new Superstar ro-pax vessels introduced a new service concept and the customer response proves that our efforts to train personnel succeeded.
Like in previous years, interest in our vacancies was great and we managed to employ excellent talents. We will continue to develop our internal and external employer image on a longterm basis.
Several significant and challenging information systems characterised the year 2024 and required major commitment from our personnel. Part of the projects will continue and new projects will start in 2025. Continuous development, use of digitalisation, analytics and artificial intelligence play an important role in ensuring future success. It is essential to identify which processes can be automated or made more
efficient and where people create added value.
Here we would like to thank our entire personnel for their input, commitment and focus on work irrespective of uncertain times. We have been able to ensure that our business has run as normally as possible and we have provided high-quality transport services and travel experiences.
Personnel figures
In 2024, the Group revenue/average number of personnel was EUR 376 (388 in 2023) thousand. EBIT/average number of personnel totalled EUR 38 (42) thousand. During the reporting period the Group employed an average
of 1,867 (1,752) persons, consisting of 1,142 (1,028) persons at sea and 725 (724) ashore. The number of employees totalled at the end of period 1,853 (1,877), of whom 1,106 (1,138) work at sea and 747 (739) ashore.
The personnel expenses amounted to EUR 109.6 (101.9) million in 2024.