- Finnlines News 2/2024
> GREEN NEWS: Sustainability is a core element of our business. We have done a lot to ensure sustainability and worked hard to reduce our environmental effects. In the future, maritime decarbonisation will bring big changes into our operations and fleet. At the same time, we think small actions can make a big difference on climate change.
Greetings from the Environment and Sustainability Manager
The most prominent sustainability related themes in Finnlines’ field of operations at the moment?
A lot is happening in the environmental and sustainability field at the moment. A big part of it concerns regulatory changes both in national, EU and IMO level and their implementation. Currently one of the most challenging tasks in the field is the preparation for the FuelEU Maritime regulation which will enter into force on 1 January 2025 and which requires ships to reduce their GHG intensity by using alternative fuels. Implementation of the regulation brings along changes in reporting, certification and operational planning.
Any other projects related to reporting on Finnlines’ sustainability operations?
We are also working on a new sustainability report in accordance with the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive set by the EU. It is an extensive project involving all functions of Finnlines Plc, but we see it as a very useful exercise, not only because of the transparency it brings to sustainability matters towards our stakeholders, but also because it helps us internally to develop our business further. The first report will be published in 2026 based on the data from 2025.
Finnlines’ concrete sustainability solutions?
Finnlines is working on improvements in many social, environmental and governance aspects. As a logistics company we see that one of our biggest challenges is to improve our vessels’ energy efficiency, where we have already succeeded over the past years, thanks to the new vessels, investments in energy efficiency technologies and changes in our operational practices. Energy efficiency is one of the key elements of the green transition in shipping.

Johanna Luoma, Finnlines’ Environment and Sustainability Manager
Reducing hull friction – boosting fuel savings
One of the most recent projects, which started in 2022, involves the application of the low-friction hull coating XGIT-FUEL, which helps to reduce fuel consumption and emissions by reducing vessel drag. XGIT-FUEL is a biocide-free, hard foul release coating, an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional hull coatings. It also enhances resistance to mechanical damage, very suitable for vessels sailing in icy conditions.
Finnlines has already applied this high-performance hull coating to four vessels as part of an agreement with GIT Coatings. The company plans to extend the use of XGIT-FUEL to additional vessels, which aligns with the strategy to enhance the operational efficiency and sustainability under tightening regulatory conditions.
With its ultra-low friction surface, XGIT-FUEL prevents attachment of marine growths on underwater shell plating of vessels. Seaweed, barnacles and other growths increase underwater resistance and decrease the speed, which is often compensated by increasing the engine power to stay on schedule.
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