Valid traffic infos
Please find here valid traffic infos and schedule changes for liner services, updated 9-17 on weekdays, 10-17 on weekends.
The fastest way to keep yourself up to date about unexpected changes in schedules is to order them to your mobile as sms.
Belgium > Finland > Germany > UK > Belgium > Spain
We regret to inform that Finneco 2 is further delayed in Belgium due to lack of pilots and stevedoring gangs. Updated schedule is as follows:
- Zeebrugge ICO: ETS Saturday 9.11. 12:00
- Hanko: Tuesday 12.11. ETA 06:00, ETS 12:00
- Helsinki: Tuesday 12.11. 19:00, ETS Wednesday 13.11. 15:30
- Kotka: Wednesday 13.11. ETA 22:00, ETS Friday 15.11. 14:00
- Travemünde: Cancelled (Finnmill Kotka – Travemünde call will be added)
- Sheerness: Monday 18.11. ETA 06:00, ETS 14:00
- Antwerp EU: Tuesday 19.11. ETA 06:00, ETS 10:00
- Antwerp AET: Tuesday 19.11. ETA 12:00, ETS 18:00
- Zeebrugge PSA: Wednesday 20.11. ETA 02:00, ETS Thursday 21.11. 02:00
- Bilbao: Friday 22.11. ETA 14:00, ETS Saturday 23.11. 14:00
- Vigo: Sunday 24.11. ETA 20:00, ETS Monday 25.11. 14:00