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Surcharges for IMDG classified goods, liner services

  • Consent to shipment must be obtained from the Carrier or the Agent of the vessel.
  • Freights and additionals are subject to a separate bunker surcharge valid at time of shipment.
  • All terms and conditions in accordance with relevant tariff shall apply.
  • Subject to alteration without prior notice.
LuokkaIMDG-koodiluokitteluPerävaunut ja rekat, EUR / yksikköKontit, EUR / unitKappaletavaralasti, perusmaksuKappaletavara vähimmäislisä / kuljetusasiakirja, EUR
Luokka A1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3 + 1.4 (excl. 1.4S) + 1.5 + 1.6510.00510.00+ 200%510.00
Luokka B2.1 + 2.3 + 5.2190.00130.00+ 100%255.00
Luokka C2.2 + 3 + 4.1 + 4.2 + 4.3 + 5.1 + 8160.00140.00+ 50%140.00
Luokka D

1.4S + 2 + 6.1 + 9 + IMDG-koodin mukaiset rajoitetyt määrät tavaraa (pl. esim. luokka 7 jne.)

110.0075.00+ 20%115.00
Luokka E6.2 + 7 ja hiilidisulfidi, CS2sovittava erikseensovittava erikseensovittava erikseensovittava erikseen

For units containing less than 2500 kg of IMDG classified cargo and empty uncleaned tank containers in return the above scale less 50% to apply for classes B, C and D. Reduction not applicable to Class A. Return rebate provided that laden shipment effected through the Carrier.

In case the Shipper presents a certificate proving the non-radiation of empty packagings, no surcharge will be applied.

For the shipment of dangerous goods class 1 from/to Rostock, an authorisation from the Rostock Port Authority is required. The amount of the fee depends, among other things, on the net explosive mass and will be invoiced to you by us in accordance with the outlay.


Shipment of Class E commodities, wastes, irrespective of class, radioactive materials and empty packaging having contained radioactive materials shall be subject to separate agreement.