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Surcharges for IMDG classified goods, liner services

  • Consent to shipment must be obtained from the Carrier or the Agent of the vessel.
  • Freights and additionals are subject to a separate bunker surcharge valid at time of shipment.
  • All terms and conditions in accordance with relevant tariff shall apply.
  • Subject to alteration without prior notice.
LuokkaIMDG-koodiluokitteluPerävaunut ja rekat, EUR / yksikköKontit, EUR / unitKappaletavaralasti, perusmaksuKappaletavara vähimmäislisä / kuljetusasiakirja, EUR
Luokka A1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3 + 1.4 (excl. 1.4S) + 1.5 + 1.6510.00510.00+ 200%510.00
Luokka B2.1 + 2.3 + 5.2190.00130.00+ 100%255.00
Luokka C2.2 + 3 + 4.1 + 4.2 + 4.3 + 5.1 + 8160.00140.00+ 50%140.00
Luokka D

1.4S + 2 + 6.1 + 9 + IMDG-koodin mukaiset rajoitetyt määrät tavaraa (pl. esim. luokka 7 jne.)

110.0075.00+ 20%115.00
Luokka E6.2 + 7 ja hiilidisulfidi, CS2sovittava erikseensovittava erikseensovittava erikseensovittava erikseen

For units containing less than 2500 kg of IMDG classified cargo and empty uncleaned tank containers in return the above scale less 50% to apply for classes B, C and D. Reduction not applicable to Class A. Return rebate provided that laden shipment effected through the Carrier.

In case the Shipper presents a certificate proving the non-radiation of empty packagings, no surcharge will be applied.

Rostock Port Authority will charge a fee of EUR 100.00/permit for the handling of dangerous goods of class 1. The fee applies also for No show units.


Shipment of Class E commodities, wastes, irrespective of class, radioactive materials and empty packaging having contained radioactive materials shall be subject to separate agreement.