Shipping and sea transport services
Finnlines offers 170 weekly departures to different parts of Europe. High frequency, large freight capacity and digital services benefit customers and their business operations. Finnlines transports today a third of the 1 million trucks carrying goods between Finland, Sweden, and Continental Europe every year.

The Shipping and Sea Transport segment’s revenues totalled EUR 712.1 (555.3 in 2021) million, and it employed 1,373 (1,256) people on average.
The growth of the transported cargo volumes settled down towards the end of the year. In 2022, Finnlines transported 750,000 cargo units, 138,000 cars (not including passengers’ cars) and 1,426,000 tons of non-unitised freight. In total, 648,000 passengers travelled with us.
Baltic and North Sea services
The new arrival, Finneco I, entered the Biscay service in June and the sisters, Finneco II and III, joined her in July. Consequently, the traffic pattern of ro-ro vessels was adjusted. The Breeze-class vessels were transferred to the Baltic traffic and Finnhawk was replaced by Finnmill in the Finland–Poland traffic. On the Helsinki–Hull route, Finnhawk replaced Finnmaster, which was sold to the Grimaldi Group in September.
After the entry of the Eco-class vessels, the traffic to Tilbury in Britain was subcontracted as the port was not suitable for large vessels.
Rosslare–Zeebrügge service
The demand for freight services from Ireland to Continental Europe increased in the wake of Brexit and a new ro-ro route between Rosslare, Ireland, and Zeebrügge, Belgium, was opened in July to provide an important direct link for Irish economy to avoid the land bridge via Britain. By transshipment in Zeebrügge, the Irish connection is available to cargo to and from Finland, Estonia, Germany, and Spain. A twice weekly service is operated by a large Breeze-series vessel, which can accommodate up to 250 trailer-equivalent units as well as 12 drivers.
Biscay service
The Finnlines Biscay service combines regular and accurate schedules and a short transit time with enhanced cargo flexibility and economies of scale. The line links the main ports of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea all the way to Bilbao, creating an efficient network, which is supported by the local Finnlines agencies. The affiliation with the Grimaldi Group also enables Finnlines to expand its network to all over the world.
The service was upgraded with the entry of three Eco-class hybrid ro-ro vessels, which provide an increase of cargo intake up to 38 per cent, but they reduce CO2 emissions by almost 43 per cent. Customers’ requests can be fully satisfied as the vessels can carry all kinds of cargo, including automotive, containers, trailers, special cargo and breakbulk.
Finnlines’ hybrid ro-ro vessels and the Biscay service network represent the most sustainable multimodal transport services.
Helsinki-Travemünde service
Three Star-class and two lengthened Breeze-class vessels operated on the route between Helsinki and Travemünde, offering about nine weekly departures from both directions. The service strengthened its position as the largest carrier of unitised cargo between Finland and Germany. The freight volumes exceeded the 2021 level.
For passengers, the Helsinki–Travemünde route is the only direct maritime connection between Finland and Continental Europe.
Malmö-Travemünde service
Finnlines’ route between Malmö, Sweden, and Travemünde, Germany, offers 24 weekly departures in both directions. The average intake capacity is almost 1,000 cargo units per day.
Finnlines’ punctual, high-frequency service and fast nine-hour voyage ensures intermodal solutions and efficient transport services.
Three ro-pax vessels operated on the route in 2022 and will continue in 2023. However, the service will be upgraded in autumn by the redeployment of two Star-class vessels, which will increase both cargo and passenger capacity by over 30 per cent.
Naantali–Långnäs–Kapellskär service
Finland’s most important sea bridge for the security of supply is Finnlines’ Naantali–Långnäs–Kapellskär route between Finland and Sweden. To serve customers better, the service was upgraded by the deployment of another Star-class vessel, Europalink, which joined the sister vessel Finnswan in February and replaced a smaller ro-pax vessel, Finnfellow, which moved to the Malmö–Travemünde route.
The two vessels provide a daily capacity for more than 750 cargo units, which would be more than sufficient to cover all the lorry and trailer volumes crossing between Finland and Sweden.
The Superstar vessels, Finnsirius and Finncanopus, will enter traffic in autumn 2023. The modern cruise-standard service quality and increased cargo capacity will set a new milestone in the ro-pax services between Sweden and Finland.