Human resources
Finnlines is an international company, employing around 1,700 people in seven countries. Finnlines is a reliable and motivating employer, which treats its employees fairly and equally.

The prolonged corona pandemic continued to affect our employee groups’ everyday lives in 2022. The precautions and changes in operations have become part of our lives longer than we thought when the pandemic broke out. The war in Ukraine has also caused uncertainty in the world. Consequently, we have continued to adjust our business operations. The third year in the midst of exceptional times has proved that our patient and tenacious personnel is able to adapt quickly to changes and achieve high performance.
Employee well-being
We continued to ensure well-being, occupational safety and work ability of all our employee groups. In late spring of 2022 we carried out a personnel survey for our sea-going and shore personnel. Another type of survey was sent to employees engaged in port operations. Our personnel finds that Finnlines
offers ”a working environment where you can be yourself” and ”a secure and stable workplace”. The third highly appreciated statement was there is ”a strong team spirit”.
During the rest of the year the outcome of the survey has been discussed in teams and we have started to implement the first development measures on the company level and numerous on the team level. One of the measures has been to offer new type of health support services.
As recommended, many of our shore-based employeescontinued to work from home. During the autumn we also returned to our offices and established a hybrid work model. The past three years have confirmed the importance of social cohesion and teamwork in the work community.
The implementation of a new HR system continued in 2022. The first functionalities had been introduced to the shore personnel in Finland in May 2021 and implementation continued with new functionalities in 2022. We have also launched the HR system in our subsidiaries, which will start to
use the system actively in 2023, considering local features. The new system will support management and development of personnel even better. The system also provides us with more modern tools for HR-reporting and knowledge-based performance.
Skilled and competent employees
During the summer three new Eco-class ro-ro vessels arrived from China, increasing the number of employees. Several rearrangements were made in our fleet, for instance flagging vessels from Finland to Sweden and vice versa. It is a pleasure to conclude that great interest was expressed in jobs at sea
and ashore and we received many applications in spite of the overheated labour market situation.
Despite the effects of exceptional times on our operations, we have provided renowned services to our customers and moved successfully forward with our ongoing and new development projects, for instance information systems. We are proud of how well our employees have concentrated on their work during uncertain times, ensuring that the effect on business is as minimal as possible. Like in 2021, our employees deserve recognition for their responsible attitude.
Personnel figures
In 2022, the Group revenue/average number of personnel was EUR 438 (373 in 2021) thousand. EBIT/average number of personnel amounted to EUR 81 (50) thousand.
The Group employed an average of 1,679 (1,555) persons during the reporting period, consisting of 959 (858) persons at sea and 720 (697) persons on shore. The number of persons employed at the end of the period was 1,657 (1,619) in total, of whom 938 (931) at sea and 719 (688) on shore.
The personnel expenses (including social costs) for the reporting period totalled EUR 96.4 (89.6) million.