Ecological footprint in detail
We are trying to maximize the recycling of our waste. The waste that cannot be recycled is utilised as energy.

We reduce:
We search and give preference for more environmentally friendly products whenever feasible

We reduce:
We audit our suppliers and assess their sustainability

We reduce:
We investigate methods to reduce consumption and waste

We reuse:
Energy waste and mixed waste are utilised as energy

We reuse:
Wood is utilised as energy

We reuse:
Biowaste is utilised for biofuel and nutrient production

We recycle:
Metal , glass, paper and cardboard are recycled as raw material for industry

We recycle:
Hazardous waste is recycled or utilised as energy

We recycle:
Oily waste water is processed in oily waste treatment and recycling plant in Finland. The end product, recycled oil can be utilised as fuel.