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Caring for the environment

In addition to direct air emissions, shipping also has other environmental effects. Recycling, reuse and smart use of resources are part of our normal operations but we aim to be better and reduce our ecological footprint further. We monitor, measure and assess our progress. Our environment work complies with the ISO14001:2015 standard and is frequently verified by a third party .

Environmental policy and principles

Finnlines’ environmental policy defines the goals and principles underlying the Company’s environmental protection activities.

Sustainable development goals

Finnlines complies with the principles of sustainable development and takes its social responsibility as well as economic and environmental aspects into consideration in all operations. Finnlines has introduced the UN principles of sustainable development to its operations and is committed to supporting these goals.

Ecological footprint

We are trying to maximize the recycling of our waste. The waste that cannot be recycled is utilised as energy.

Verification and standardisation

The environmental management system, which complies with the ISO 14001:2015 standard, is audited annually in the office and onboard ships. Certification covers management and manning of ships sailing under the Finnlines flag as well as purchasing, newbuildings and projects and cargo and ship operation.

People onboard Star class ro-pax vessel.

Rules and regulations

The shipping sector is governed by many international, national, regional and even local regulations. Finnlines’ environmental work targets at providing safe, reliable and environmentally friendly transport services.


Safety is one of our top priorities. We want to have a safe and healthy workplace and provide safe travel and freight transportation. Safety oriented working culture minimises risks, also for environment. Safety is a precondition for sustainable operation and business.

Sustainable travel with Finnlines

Finnlines was awarded the Sustainable Travel Finland label by Visit Finland in 2021, a recognition of Finnlines’ long-term work on sustainable values.

Finnlines ro-pax services combine passenger and cargo transport and the high utilisation rate of the routes and vessels makes responsible travel possible.

Visit Finland’s Sustainable Travel Finland programme provides operators in the travel industry and individual travellers with tools to identify sustainable tourism companies. To qualify for the Sustainable Travel Finland label, applicants must meet certain economic, ecological, social as well as cultural criteria. The programme includes regular auditing and renewal of the label.

Environment & safety report 2023

We are dedicated to sustainable travel and cargo shipment and to continuously developing our way of working. Read more in our Environment & safety report 2023 (the 2024 report will soon be published).