Through the Strait of Gibraltar to the Atlantic
The ship Finnsirius has now passed the southernmost point of mainland Europe and is heading northward along the Portuguese coast towards the English Channel and onwards – towards the Baltic Sea.

In our last update, we reported on how Finnsirius successfully sailed through the Suez Canal. Following that, there was a brief port call in Gioia Tauro, Italy, for a few days. For the past couple of days, Finnsirius has been heading directly west towards Gibraltar, which has been passed today.
An overview of the expected provisions
Let’s revisit Italy, where it was time for the eagerly anticipated provisioning. Our previous food restock had been acquired in Singapore, and our fresh supplies were running low. In Italy, we loaded up on delectable treats that everyone was looking forward to. We also had the chance to put Finnsirius’s pizza oven to the test in earnest, as we received Italian pizza flour, mozzarella, and other culinary delights on board.

Premiere at Barrel Bay
Barrel Bay Bar & Tapas is the main bar on Superstar ships, located on the eleventh deck at the stern of the ship. The crew gathered in Barrel Bay on the last evening of August to celebrate, enjoy tapas, and witness a special premiere. Wait, what premiere? Barrel Bay is equipped with a colossal screen over eight meters wide, showcasing virtual artists specially tailored for Superstar. We won’t divulge the exact content of the performances at this point, but in just a couple of weeks, anyone can come and experience the vibrant atmosphere of Barrel Bay in person.

Passing Gibraltar
The Strait of Gibraltar is the only sea route out of the Mediterranean if you want to head west. Finnsirius’ route also took it through this famous strait.

The Maiden Voyage Approaches…
As Finnsirius approaches the Baltic Sea, the ship’s maiden voyage and subsequent regular operations are also approaching. Check our website for departures and prices, and come aboard!