New Year’s Eve Onboard Finncanopus: A Singapore Harbor Soiree
Finnlines’ second Superstar-ropax is now en route to Finland. The turn of the year found the ship anchored near Singapore, allowing the crew to once again enjoy the fireworks over the sea.

Strategic Stopover in Singapore
The silhouette of the metropolis and a couple of days’ stop in Singapore was a familiar event for many on board, as several of the sailors now with Finncanopus had been part of the retrieval journey of Finnsirius. In Singapore, Finncanopus refueled and replenished its provisions. Fresh water supplies were also topped up. Quite a routine stop, indeed.

Greetings from the Future
The last time fireworks were enjoyed on Finncanopus was when the Weihai shipyard staff bid the ship farewell at its departure. The city of Singapore could have arranged a dazzling show for Finncanopus’ unique visit as well, but this time the fireworks were probably in celebration of a global event, the new year. It was a pleasant coincidence that the turn of the year was experienced at anchor in front of an exciting metropolis.
Due to the time difference, New Year’s Eve was celebrated on Finncanopus six hours ahead of Finland. It was summer-like warm on deck as the crew gathered to watch the dazzling fireworks rising from the city to the sky. Many called home to send greetings and news from the future, from the year 2024, while it was still the old year in Finland.

Setting Sail Again
On the first day of the year 2024, just before noon, Captain Jyrki Repo welcomed a Singaporean pilot to the bridge. It was time for Finncanopus to continue its journey.